HUDA Market, Sector 56


  • To re-design open space in HUDA Market 56 as an active, inclusive public place

  • To strengthen local economies in and around HUDA Market 56

  • To re-imagine neighbourhood markets in Gurgaon as open-air places, by and for the people


HUDA Market demonstrates a unique phenomenon, where shopkeepers expand and contract their shop boundaries throughout the day to increase sales. Our initial few visits to the Market have involved a Place Quality Analysis and an in-depth understanding of the Market’s building structure and people-place dynamics. The project is currently in progress - if you live near Sector 56, Gurgaon, watch out for our community engagement exercises and please take our survey below!


Welcome to City Sabha's 'Place User Survey'. We are a social enterprise of architects, urbanists and activists, working to transform public spaces in Delhi NCT through 'placemaking' - a strategy which seeks to engage citizens in designing their city's streets, markets, parks, playgrounds and more.

Project Details

Location: HUDA Sector 56 Market, Gurgaon, NCR Type: Public-private proposal Timeline: Ongoing Intersections: Design, Placemaking, Community Engagement