Public Space Inventory

Borrowing from the voices of the female informal workers in Raghubir Nagar, we have devised a Public Space Inventory (PSI) framework that collates our insights on planning and governing for informality and accounting for hyper-local, socio-spatial issues. This could inform policy recommendations, planning priorities, governance responsibilities and citizen-led action across individuals, neighbourhoods and cities.

The Public Space Inventory (PSI) framework is applicable in other contexts in a way that is readable and understandable to mostly all stakeholders, which is why we are working to extend it to the whole of Delhi (presently lacking) to keep a citizen-driven account of the city’s public spaces. This exercise aims to showcase grassroots work and the complexity of urban issues and, importantly, encourages associated action.

Download a copy of the Public Space Inventory matrix to use in the context of your work and stakeholders. Copyright of City Sabha 2023, please credit in use.